Plan a visit

Things to know before you roll.

We're excited to have you come and skate with us!

 To make sure you have the best experience while you’re here, we have a couple important things you should know so you can plan ahead. 

We are open for blocks of time that vary. Make sure you plan to be at the rink at the start of a session. Take a look at the schedule and find the session time that works the best for you. All customers are asked to leave at the end of each session. 

All adults and children who enter the building need to fill out our online waiver which can be found at the link below. You will have to show the signed waiver to the admission associate so please have it ready to make check in as quick as possible.

We have lockers you can rent from our locker kiosk to store your belongings. They are electronic and available on a first-come-first-served basis. 

Skate Mates are available for rent for our beginner skaters for an additional fee.

We will check bags at all sessions, so please be prepared and have all pockets on bags unzipped as you come up to security when you enter the building.

No outside food or drink is permitted, this includes personal water bottles. We do have a full-service cafe for snacks and beverages during your visit.

Have Questions?

Check out our FAQ page for even more detailed information about our house rules, skating, birthdays, groups, events, and other general information.