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STEM Field Trips

Education and fun, all rolled into one!

Introduce your students to a unique educational STEM field trip in Mesa, AZ at Skateland that gets them excited about learning! Students will learn how the concepts of science, technology, engineering, and math can be found in everyday experiences, even fun experiences like roller skating!

STEM Field Trips for Grade School & Middle School Students
Stem Instructor Working With Kids on Rink Floor

Our professional STEM Educators teach students about how STEM principles exist in just about every part of life.

The STEM lessons focus on hands-on activities that are both educational and fun! The STEM lesson plans follow Next Generation and state-level curriculum standards that relate back to classroom learning making this STEM program completely unique! Following the completion of the one-hour STEM lesson, the students roller skate for physical fitness. While roller skating, the concepts students learned are continually reinforced.

Two girls working on a STEM project with roller skates during a school field trip
STEM students raising hands to answer questions

Elementary & Middle School

STEM Lessons

We offer 11 unique activity-based STEM Lessons that match what you are teaching in the class curriculum! This 3-hour field trip will include a 1-hour hands on STEM experience lead by our professional educator, followed by the enjoyment of physical fitness through roller skating. We offer a variety of lesson topics that align with the most up to date curriculum guided by the Next Generation Science Standards and more. With so many lessons available meeting your classroom standards, we are certain you will join us time and time again!

Lesson 1:

The Science of Roller Skating

Students will learn about the parts of a roller skate/inline skate and how each part functions to make the skate. They will discuss how surfaces in the rink are made of different materials and how that affects the skate in motion. Students will have a chance to showcase their creativity and design a new feature for a skate.

Topics Like: Geometry, Friction, Reverse Engineering, Design 

Lesson 2:

Motion & Skate Design

Students will get an introduction into the physics of roller skating by discussing the four parameters of motion. Students will become problem solvers and answer an open-ended question by inventing their own skate design.

Topics Like: Motion, Physics, Design 

Lesson 3:

Music, Math & Roller Skating

Students will learn how to count using the beats of the music played in a roller rink and will learn how the type of music affects the speed of the skater. Fourth and fifth graders will also learn how to control the speed of skaters using the beat of the music.

Topics Like:Sound Waves, Beats per Minute, Frequency

Lesson 4:

Super Sound! Acoustics & Rink Design

Students will explore how sound waves look and how they travel through different mediums. They will discuss sounds that relate to the roller skating rink including the differentiation In speaker pitch and tones. 

Topics Like: Sound Waves, Doppler Effect, Sound System Design 

Lesson 5:

Science of Lighting

Students will learn about the speed of light and how light travels. Students will learn the exciting affects of light with the use of reflection and refraction.

Topics Like: Electromagnetic Spectrum, The Speed of Light, Light Waves

Lesson 6:

Heart, Health, & Fitness

Students will learn about the functions of the cardiovascular system and about leading a healthy lifestyle. They will make predictions and then calculate their average heart rate through physical activity. 

Topics Like: Cardiovascular System, Heart Health, Importance of Exercise

Lesson 7:

Formulas, Fractions, & Fun

Students will learn how math concepts can be found all over the skating rink. Students will measure, compare, and average the speed of several skaters, discover how engineers use geometry in the rink, and how statistics relates to roller skating.

Topics Like: Averages, Geometry, Statistics

Lesson 8:

Newton on Roller Skates

Students will learn that each one of Newton’s Three Laws of Motion are present in the skating rink. They will experiment with force and mass and discuss the importance of physics and roller skating. 

Topics Like: Physics, Laws of Motion, Inertia

Lesson 9:

The Science Behind Roller & Ice Hockey

Students will learn how STEM plays a very large part in sports, specifically roller and ice hockey. They will learn how three different kinds of motion can make a difference In the outcome of the game. Students will also talk probability and construct a catapult.

Topics Like: Physics, Probability, Angular, Projectile and Linear Motion

Lesson 10:

Arcade STEM

Students will learn about reaction time, what it has to do with arcade games and how to Improve it. Students will also learn about probability through discussion of arcade games In our facility. 

Topics Like:Reaction Time, Probability and Engineering Through Game Design

Lesson 11:

Physics of Artistic Roller Skating

(For Middle School Only)

Students will learn how science, math, and the arts blend together in artistic roller skating. They will study the physics behind jumps and spins, and how the skater uses music, dance, and precision to create art. Students will participate In an interactive lab  on projectile motion. 

Topics Like: Physics, Laws of Motion, Inertia

BSA, Girl Scouts, & Cub Scouts

STEM Lessons

Check out these scout-specific activities that your troop can do together while earning their award or badge!

Cub Scouts & BSA


What makes a roller skate wheel rotate or how far can you get your catapult to launch an object? Cub Scouts and Scouts BSA will come to our roller skate facility and work towards their Nova Award. Once their creations are completed, Scouts will have the opportunity to roller skate with their Den!

Girl Scouts

Mechanical Engineering Badge

Earn your Mechanical Engineering Badge at the roller rink! Learn how force and gravity affect speed through roller skating. With this knowledge, you will think like an engineer and create a car design to test on the roller rink! Once your creation is complete, you will enjoy roller skating with your Girl Scout Troop!

Craft and Tinker Badge

Earn your Craft and Tinker Badge at the roller rink while using your problem-solving skills to explore tinkering while taking a part a roller skate!  Become a maker while using your imaginations, tools, and materials to create exciting designs. Lastly, you become the user and enjoy roller skating with your Girl Scout Troop!

Experience the Skateland STEM programs in this quick 3-minute video!

Three grade school girls talking about roller skates during their STEM lesson

STEM Field Trip Packages

One hour of STEM Education on your chosen lesson followed by two hours of roller skating!

Package 1


$19.00 per student

  • STEM Lesson
  • Admission
  • Skate Rental
  • Unlimited Cheese Pizza & Soft Drinks for 1 Hour

Package 2


$15.50 per student

  • STEM Lesson
  • Admission
  • Skate Rental
  • 1 Slice of Pizza & Soft Drink

Package 3


$12.00 per student

  • STEM Lesson
  • Admission
  • Skate Rental
Two kids laughing while building a roller skate for a STEM project
Large group of school kids learning about roller skates and STEM projects

STEM Program FAQs

We don’t just provide an experience for math field trips or science field trips, we focus on STEM activities showcasing real-world applications in our roller rink covering. For more check out our full lesson plan above to see all of the fun.

Currently, we do not offer virtual STEM field trips. Our STEM experience is in-person inside of our roller rink. This is the best way for our STEM educators to guide students through different concepts that they would come across in real-world scenarios.

You will choose one (1)  of our 11 lessons to be the focus of the STEM education hour of your field trip. This way you can choose a different lesson each time you book your field trip, keeping the whole experience new and fresh even if the same students are returning.

We want all students to have an enjoyable and educational time with our STEM professionals, and to do that we use our predetermined lessons. This way your students will learn about all of the STEM concepts that come from skating, the rink, and music. We do have several topics for you to choose from, making it easy to align with what you are currently learning.

We are able to host an elementary STEM field trip or a middle school STEM field trip. The programs topics and themes are the same but are adjusted in complexity for those age groups. You can review our full list of lessons above.

Yes there is! After the 1-hour lesson, your students will be able to skate for 2-hours. This way they get to critically think about what they just learned as they skate around the rink.

You can give us a call or fill out our online form below. We will be more than happy to help schedule your STEM field trip today!


Schedule a 15 Minute One-on-One with our team to get more information on planning your STEM field trip!

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Simply fill out the form below or call us at 480-833-7775 and we’ll get back to you by the next business day.

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Experience the United Skates STEM programs in this quick 3-minute video! Plan your Class Trip Today!